Boost your IBM Power I with Native Services

Boost your IBM Power I with Native Services

What is Cloudbox400?
Cloudbox400 is an application that is deployed on an IBM Power I (AS/400). It contains a runtime engine that enables you to run your integration processes nativley with high volume handlingen. Cloudbox400 connects to the Netlang Cloud via a secure tunnel, this allows you to develop and maintain your integration with out access to your IBM Power I.
With Netlang you can create REST Services, RPAs and HTTP Services that all run natively on the Power I System.
Key Benefits
Boost performance and free resources
Having access to real-time data has never been more important with new types of customer behavior. Retrieving data on-demand with low-latency like stock balance and price info may be challenging from an AS/400.
Cloudbox400 enables your AS/400 to host integrations natively without the need of any middleware. Middleware software like classic integration hubs adds complexity and may slow down queries and progam calls 10folds.

Endless Connectvity
Your legacy systems may have helped you grow in the past, but they eventually reach a maturity point. Instead of replacing or rebuilding outdated systems include them in your digital transformation strategy and leverage the data to gain new operational benefits and innovations.
Cloudbox400 can help you embark on new digitalization journeys, such as cloud, mobile and social strategies. With our hybrid solution, it is easy to rearchitect your legacy system and transform the local assets into widely available services in the most secure and cost-efficient way.
No RPG knowledge is neccessary
With Cloudbox400 development for the Power I can be done directly in the browser in the easy to use drag and drop language or locally in your favorite Java editor. The code can be deployed and run natively at the Power I which let you take full advantage of the raw power and stability of the Power I even for integrations.

eCommerce Integration
A common scenario is to use a Power I system as the backend when running a e-commerce storefront, Cloudbox offer the best performing and most elegant solution to this scenario.
Drag & Drop
Build your AS 400 integration with our visual drag and drop interface. No coding necessary.
Robotic Process Automation
Record a 5250 flow on screen and play it back within your integrations.
Build and Run SQL
Use the built-in SQL Query builder to retrieve or update data. Queries are easy built with drag & drop and value prompting.
Build your AS 400 integration with our visual drag and drop interface. No coding necessary.
Native Services
Install our Gateway on your IBM power I to speed up integrations.
All communications with the IBM Power I are encrypted when using the Gateway
Start putting your ideas into action with Cloudbox400
Install Cloudbox400 on your IBM Power I and start utilizing our rich framework to develop new features natively.

How it Works
An application called Gateway is downloaded and installed on the IBM Power I machine. The Gateway opens a secure tunnel to the Cloudbox cloud. When logging in to your personal account at the Power I will be available for exploring and development.
Development with cloudbox can either be done in our low-code tool available on the website or in Java using our Eclipse based workbench. The environment contains a rich framework for developing applications that earlier was impossible or to expensice to build on the Power I.
All configurations and code are versioned and maintained in the cloud, therefor its easy to deploy into different machines at different locations.
All output, like logs, responses, requests are sent to the cloud for indexing. This makes it easy to track errors and resolve them before they impact your business.

Rest API
Cloudbox acts as a front door handling authentication, throttling and response cache. Your consumers access an Instance in the cloud, Cloudbox validates the request and start executing your code on the Power I.
The architecture around Cloudbox Rest Services aims to prolong the uptime of systems, allowing resources to stay available and services to operate over long periods of time despite the occurrence of errors and/or high loads. Cloudbox has built-in failover and load balancing in every step with no single point of failure.

Power I Robot
Tons of high quality applications has been built on the Power I platform, these applications is often called “green screen” and use a protocol called 5250. The robot let you create new functions over part of these applications that can be used in integrations or simply automate a manual process.
White Paper
Download our white paper about RPA for IBM i.
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